We love it colorful
Our customers value us as specialists with a broad range of applications. Practical solutions for self-propelled machines and tractors are developed by our engineers in constructive, qualified teams. Interns and graduands grow with us and always bring fresh input.
Our agricultural engineers and agricultural machinery foremen meet the challenges of the market and the demands of farmers every day. Agricultural engineering, where we supply a large part of our products, is interesting and appealing in equal measure.

The Ringelshausen estate – located in the countryside on the edge of the Wetterau region – is a practical background for exciting projects and beautiful tasks.
Every day, our technicians and electronics engineers carefully implement all customer requirements in compliance with strict IPC and ISO criteria in assemblies with the very smallest components and cable harnesses for harsh environmental conditions. Our manufacturing plant in Lautertal-Engelrod (Vogelsbergkreis) can already look back on half a century of experience.

At Reichhardt, we experience the personal togetherness in a family business with short decision-making processes, nice colleagues and a friendly working atmosphere every day.
Broad qualifications turn our projects into innovations! Working in international teams is a matter of course for us. We are on site with our customers or wherever the situation requires. With strategic partners we form an attractive size in the market.